Object monitoring

Using the information transmitted by the GSM system to the «CONVOY Online» server, it is possible to monitor the mobile security object (car, boat). The user is able to see the current location of the object, the route of the object on the map and obtain statistical data about it.

The use of monitoring will allow the owner to optimize the logistics processes associated with the object and increase the efficiency of its use. In addition, monitoring provides extensive analytical information on the movement and parking of the facility, which can be used to develop a planned and analysis of the actual logistics of the object.

According to the monitoring data, the user has the ability to compile various statistical reports for the object: the length and duration of the route, the length and number of parking places along the route. Object monitoring reports can be generated for any period and for any date. The generated report can be saved in Microsoft Excel for subsequent processing and analysis. For the user archives of routes and the geozone of the object are available up to 1 year.

Take a look how the system works. The demo-version of the personal user account will show you how the system CONVOY Online is working and how you will be able to control and monitor the object of protection by the example of the demo object.